In today's episode we chat about how to deal with rockstar devs, the importance of one-on-ones, and various aspects of culture fit. Throughout the episode we also go over how overall culture has changed in the dev world and what could've cause those changes. Check it out!
In today's episode we talk about photography, importance of sleep, stress and its effects on personality, and professional boundaries and dealing with transgressions.
In today's episode we talk about my opinions on the current economic state of tech sector and the mass hirings and layoffs. In the second part we chat about whether or not AI would follow the regular tech hype curve, and whether we are about to start the downswing from the current peak. Viability of AI assistants reaching intermediate dev levels any time soon and more. In the last part we chat about life advice industry, type A and B personality and a notable example of it.
Hello everyone. In this episode we discuss an article about various habits good devs should cultivate. We agree with some and disagree with others... Hope you'll like it.
This is a fun one. We talk about software engineering “laws”. You may know them by name or by formulation, but it would be interesting to know how many you have encountered in your career...
Join us in our Telegram or Discord if you want to discuss how any of these “laws” have affected you or your career...
In video editing proxies are used in place of high-resolution footage to reduce the strain on your system while editing. It makes timeline scrubbing much faster.
For the podcast, I usually use the BlackMagic Proxy Generator Lite, and create half-res versions of the source files. For combined ~2 hours of footage (one of myself, and another of my guest) it takes about 30 minutes to generate the new video files.
But using this tool also means that I have to manually open the tool, and drag-n-drop stuff around...
I'm already using some trivial powershell scripts to do other bulk conversions, but I've not wired that up for generating proxies. Until today.
I'm using the AMD video card, so I'm leveraging the DirectX 11 for decoding and AMF acceleration for encoding in ffmpeg. This script it only takes about 5 minutes to generate the proxy files, and Davinci Resolve seems to be happy with them.
I still use Lossless Cut to split the files into individual tracks, but pretty sure I can leverage ffmpeg for it as well, sometime in the future.
How to find better developers for your team. A continuation of the conversation started (and derailed) in episode 46. Touches interviewing and some tangential questions. Check it out.